April 10 on 10 :: Going Home Version

This month's 10 on 10 was definitely a challenge for me. The 10th of April happened to fall on the last day of our Spring Break which was a traveling home day. Traveling with 3 kids is always stressful, since I almost always do it by myself.

Also, the weather in Tucker, GA was dreary and bleak this morning. We were able to outrun the weather by an hour or two, but the overcast skies followed us home.

(Yes, I seriously took a picture of the best restaurant combo that exsists. We always eat at one in Atlanta. It was the highlight of my day.)

1:30 PM- I was driving on the interstate so you will forgive me for skipping this picture :)

Tomorrow life gets back to normal. School for the kids, photography for me, doing a mountain of laundry, and trying to get back into the groove.


  1. Thanks for the reminder that under the kitchen island is a great display area for preschool art. Glad you all got home safely. I drove myself, mother-in-law and four kids to Kentucky last week. Seven hours of drive time is the longest I've driven! Matthew and Philip were on a trip with church, happily riding a charter bus.

  2. I'd like that combo too! Love Taco Bell. Love KFC!


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