Fly Lady- Day 1

A year or two ago, my good friend and neighbor Cindy introduced me to a website that helps organize your house: I didn't think I'd like it, especially knowing that you get up to 15 emails a day. But two years later, I remember my friend Cindy and her always clean house, and I'm thinking I'll just give it a try.

So, I signed up today. I am going to get my house clean and prove to my husband I can keep it clean. I will not let clutter overrun my house. I will show that I can keep this house clean so we can then talk about getting a bigger, better, newer house.

My first task was to clean the sink. Not just clean it, but scrubbed it.

How's it look?


  1. YOU MISSED A SPOT!!!!!!!!! J/K

    whats the website link? sounds like something I need to keep our clutter/mess down!

  2. Your sink looks great! Glad you are "flying"! I need to do better myself. Real problem is getting away from the computer after finding out what the mission of the day is!! ARGH!!!


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