Well, we didn't exactly find Teddy Bear...
It all started last night.
I went out to dinner with the MOPS group for a Moms Night Out at the new Olive Garden in town. Brian stayed home with the kiddies. Jayce had his favorite teddy bear when I left. When I got home, Jayce was still up (thanks, dad) so I had the joy of putting an overtired baby to bed. We looked for Teddy bear everywhere, but he was no where to be found. Jayce grabbed his Rusty and blankie and went to sleep anyway.
However, in the morning, the first thing he did was ask for his bear. We looked everywhere today. Brian thought that maybe Jayce had taken Teddy on their walk last night. Unfortunately, they didn't just walk around the block. Oh, no.... they had to walk the L-O-O-N-G way around the neighborhood. After both me and Brian drove around looking for it, the kids and I decided to walk the same path looking for it. My nice neighbors Kim and Shirlene were sweet enough to come as well.
No luck. Bear was no where to be seen.
I was starting to get desperate. Jayce wanted his bear at nap time as well.
Grandma reminded me that the original bear was purchased at Michael's craft store back in October. As soon as Daddy got home tonight, we raced to the store.
Once we found the correct aisle, Jayce practically lunged from my arm to pick up *his* bear. He instantly recognized it and accepted it unconditionally. I was worried that it wouldn't smell the same or he would notice that the new bear didn't have a chewed and worn nose. Nope, Jayce could have cared less. He had his teddy bear back.
Giving the bear up to the cashier was not a fun task. Neither was watching Daddy cut the plastic tag off. But once those things were done, Teddy Bear II did not have to leave Jayce's arms for the rest of the night.

They are sleeping together right now :)
I went out to dinner with the MOPS group for a Moms Night Out at the new Olive Garden in town. Brian stayed home with the kiddies. Jayce had his favorite teddy bear when I left. When I got home, Jayce was still up (thanks, dad) so I had the joy of putting an overtired baby to bed. We looked for Teddy bear everywhere, but he was no where to be found. Jayce grabbed his Rusty and blankie and went to sleep anyway.
However, in the morning, the first thing he did was ask for his bear. We looked everywhere today. Brian thought that maybe Jayce had taken Teddy on their walk last night. Unfortunately, they didn't just walk around the block. Oh, no.... they had to walk the L-O-O-N-G way around the neighborhood. After both me and Brian drove around looking for it, the kids and I decided to walk the same path looking for it. My nice neighbors Kim and Shirlene were sweet enough to come as well.
No luck. Bear was no where to be seen.
I was starting to get desperate. Jayce wanted his bear at nap time as well.
Grandma reminded me that the original bear was purchased at Michael's craft store back in October. As soon as Daddy got home tonight, we raced to the store.
Once we found the correct aisle, Jayce practically lunged from my arm to pick up *his* bear. He instantly recognized it and accepted it unconditionally. I was worried that it wouldn't smell the same or he would notice that the new bear didn't have a chewed and worn nose. Nope, Jayce could have cared less. He had his teddy bear back.
Giving the bear up to the cashier was not a fun task. Neither was watching Daddy cut the plastic tag off. But once those things were done, Teddy Bear II did not have to leave Jayce's arms for the rest of the night.

They are sleeping together right now :)
Yeah, replacement bear saved the day! So glad Jayce didn't mind the new one. I wonder if Philip would notice if we ever had to replace his Lamby? Possibly since Lamby has a strange blue-ish tint from one of the times he was washed. :)