Partied Out

In the past 10 days, we have:

-participated in one sleepover
-attended 4 children's birthday parties
-celebrated one 4th of July holiday
-gone to one adult's 30th birthday party
-one MOMS Club end-of-the-year BBQ

Can you say "Partied Out?"

Here are some highlights of our partying ways!

Our new friend Ravyn came over for Jaina's very first sleepover at our house!

The next day was the 4th of July. Here are the firework pictures I took with my canon powershot.

The next day was my good friend Patty's youngest son, Liam's, 2nd Birthday:
He had a baseball themed play-outside-party. I got to meet a new neighbor of Patty's who is into homebirth and natural living. She was really awesome to talk to! I hope she comes to LLL when the new baby is born!

Jayce is just keeping it real in the Little Tykes car. Patty's got this awesome driveway (for bikes and things, not for backing your car out of!) that we tried to teach Jayce how to pick up his feet so he could go fast down the driveway. He wasn't having any of it, though!

Jaina and Elizabeth (Liam's older sister) aka, the twins. They did not plan to wear those dresses at the same time but it happened! I had gone with Patty up to the outlet mall to the $2.99 sale at The Children's Place.

Liam is TWO!

My favorite picture of Liam... he didn't want us singing because he was embarrassed!

Jayce eats cake:

Jaina eats cake:

After Liam's party, we had 2.5 hours to kill until our next party. Thank goodness Ravyn lived nearby and we could come crash at her house for some playdate time!

Then on to Faith's party. She celebrated her 6th birthday at the "paint your own pottery" place in town. Jaina picked out a cat, as you can plainly see. We had a great time. Thanks, Gray, for watching Jayce for us!

Friday night was a party sans kids in Greenville as we celebrated our friend Sara's 30th birthday party. Sara's boyfriend is Hal, a co-worker of Brian's.

Then, yesterday, we attended our new friend Ravyn's 6th birthday party at her neighborhood pool:

After Ravyn's swim party, we hurried home to rest before our next party at the science center!

Happy Birthday to Jaina's very best friend, Anna!! We miss our next door neighbors very much and are glad we still can get together with them often!

Then it was home for all of 15 minutes before heading back out to the MOMS Club annual family picnic. Unfortunately, Brian and I were invited to a reception the same night. We had to divide and conquer :) I took the kids with me and he drove up to NC with his co-workers.

Sarah was nice enough to host this year's party. Her inlaw's house was GORGEOUS and looked like something out of Southern Living magazine.

The kids had a great time! We swam in the pool (no pictures because I was holding Jayce the entire time). We ate hamburgers and hot dogs picnic-style on the grass. The older kids went down to the farm and saw baby chickens while the little ones played ball in the yard. Jayce had the BEST time ever at their house and didn't want to go home 3 hours later. Jaina fell in love with their dog Molly (oh, why did I not get a picture??) and has not stopped talking about her since. Rachel, Ravyn, and Cody had a great time too.


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Wow, I'd be partie out, too!

    Great pictures. :)

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    partieD, that is

  3. Wow...I'm tired just from reading your post!! lol I'm sure y'all had fun at all those party's though!

  4. You've exhausted me. :o)

    It looks like lots of fun and you took some amazing pics.

  5. Summer fun, so perfectly documented with pictures. I just love how you look in pictures Jessie, you are so PRETTY.

    I have never seen a "30" cake, but then I don't go looking for them that often.

    It's nice that you and Brian do things together.

  6. oh my! I'm tired just reading all that :) my social calendar has never been so full!! all looked like fun! thanks for always having that camera so you can share with us :)

  7. Thanks for commenting on my blog, I really appreciate your perspective :) I used one of my last 100 films for my pictures, I love 100 film. Even if I get it processed at Walmart the pictures still come out crisp and "pop out" at you.

    I really like what you are doing with your pictures, nice photo journalism technique. I always have liked that.

    Look forward to seeing more from you.

  8. Ok..........I thought we partied BUT seriously that is alot BUT I bet it was SO much fun for the kids. I know Ava would of LOVED IT


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