You're a Heart Breaker
Gray bought Jaina and Jayce their new Valentine Shirts from Old Navy the other day and one particular little girl couldn't wait to wear them, despite the cold temps we've had lately. Jayce's shirt said, "Heart Breaker" on it, which prompted a little bit of explaining to Jaina what it meant. After I told her what it means to "break someone's heart", she said, "Well, that's just mean! Why do you want Jayce to wear a mean shirt?" So I had to back track a bit and say that sometimes guys are called a heartbreaker because they are so damn cute, that all the girls fall in love with them, but he can only pick one, so the rest of them get their heart broken. "Oh," she said. Like Daddy?" (hee hee, sure!) Anyway, she said that she thought Jayce was really cute, so that it turned out to be a perfect shirt for him.
Jayce, on the other hand, thought his shirt spelled L-O-V-E, which is the only word he knows how to spell for Valentine's Day. Although I told him 100 times what his shirt said, he would still point to it and say, "White heart" or "Heart broken!" or "He broke it!" or "Its breaking!"
My kids crack me up!

Jayce, on the other hand, thought his shirt spelled L-O-V-E, which is the only word he knows how to spell for Valentine's Day. Although I told him 100 times what his shirt said, he would still point to it and say, "White heart" or "Heart broken!" or "He broke it!" or "Its breaking!"
My kids crack me up!

i love those pictures! my favorite is the second one from the top of jaina...something about her expression...i love it!
ReplyDeleteLove the bright colors! You have the cutest kids. I like all of their expressions, it tells a nice story :)
ReplyDeleteI love Jaina's hair long.
I happened to come across your question about the discrepancy between your OT and ST approaches to feeding therapy on a parenting website....I didn't know how long ago your post was...but I wanted to answer your question if I could...I am a speech-feeding therapist in Illinois...and technically both therapists are correct. A child could have a behavioral-based feeding problem which would then result in treatment being based upon correcting behavior...however, it sounds like your son probably has a sensory-based feeding disorder...and the appropriate response would then be a sensory-based approach..the most effective probably being the SOS approach developed by Kay Toomey from Denver, Colorado...Another approach commonly used is "Chaining" developed by Cheri Fraker out of Springfield, sounds like both therapist are following a more behavior approach...its pretty systematic..trials with a dry spoon, then a spoon dipped in a bit of the non-preferred food, etc..All the approaches are proven effective...however, no approach should result in a negatvie mealtime. The goal of feeding therapy is to make the mealtime more enjoyable. Anyway...sorry its a novel...I just saw your question and had to try to help. I would try to talk with your therapist, we are here and in this profession to help the children and the families. You are the mom and what you see is important. Sometimes us therapists get so caught up in trying to help that we can't take ourselves back from the situation to assess whether or not an approach to treatment is working or not. Both your therapists sound like they are invested in your child and want to help...the most progress is always made when parents are open with their therapists..parents don't carry-over into the home environment a treatment plan that they don't believe in..God Bless,