Blog awards

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has nominated me for a blog award :) You guys are so sweet to think of me when passing on recognition.

Unfortunately, I'm absolutely HORRIBLE about responding and posting about them. I'm very sorry and I hope I'll get better about this! Maybe if I make it a weekly goal to do one blog post about it on Fridays or something, I can remember?

Anyway, if you don't know how blog awards work, its pretty much a way to send some blogging love and get to know each other better.

Staci from The Bailey Family gave me the "When Life Hands you Lemonade" award. Thanks Staci! I so enjoy your blog :)

Melissa, my dear blogging friend and designer of all my blog headers bestowed upon me the "Beautiful Blogger" award. Awww! Go check her out at The Bushey Life and leave her some comment love. Or talk to her about doing a header for you, if you are photoshop challenged like me. :)

Actually, come to think of it, someone else gave me a "Beautiful Blogger Award" as well. But I'm totally blanking on it! I am so sorry whoever you are, dear blogger friend! Please don't hate me!

Okay, so the whole award rules goes as follows.... pick a number of random things to tell your readers. Then pick that same number of people to pass the awards on to. Simple enough, right?

Since each award told me to pick a different number I am just going to pick 5 for the heck of it. Sorry, but I'm kind of unconventional and don't do well with rules :)

5 Random Things about Jess

1. My name is not Jessica. Really. Its Jessie. Just Jessie. I have my birth certificate as proof!
2. I used to follow a band called Jump, Little Children. Like, follow as in, "I'm a groupie and I'd offer to have any of your love children and I'll follow you to any state you play a show in and do whatever I can to get on the guest list". Yeah. And I'm not ashamed of this :)
3. Even though my husband is a tech geek, we both own ancient computers with big square monitors and slow hard drives. You know what they say about the cobbler and his own kids' shoes, right?
4. I love coca-cola. I will not drink Pepsi. Ever.
5. I have my stepmom to thank for getting me hooked on slutty romance novels. :) Still don't feel comfortable discussing any scenes from any books we've both read though!

Okay here's my 5 people to bestow one and/or both awards to:

1. Jami from  730 Moments to Remember 
2. Christina from Peep Eye 
3. Katie from Momopoly 
4. Kim from Sunny Side Up 
5. and last, but certainly not least, Melissa from If I Had A Photograph of You 

I read over 100 blogs. Hey, maybe one day I'll actually count them! When I'm  bored. Which probably means it won't happen anytime soon. I picked these blogs because they were the first ones that jumped out at me that I've been loving to check lately.

Thank you, dear readers, for thinking of me :)


  1. Thank you so much, Jessie. I'm humbled to be in such good company and count you as a dear friend - both real and virtual.


  2. Jessie, your so sweet. My little sister. THanks for thinking of me, even though I am an old dog....I still have some tricks though :)

    Your blog inspires me in so many different ways and aspects of my life. You always put some humor into your writing that makes the viewer feel more grounded to you. And of course I always like to see the new fresh photos and ideas your creating in your mind.


  3. You are a fantastic blogger. I LOVE your header right now. You are very creative and good with photography.

  4. Thanks for including me in your top 5 blog. I've seen these "awards" on others blogs and didn't really know where they came from. I'll try to post something soon as I now know you're waiting!! I do have lots to catch up on.

  5. And yes, I love your header too. We'll need to chat about how you make those sometime.

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It was me!! I gave you an award! No, I don't hate you! heehee!

    I am loving the pinknessity of your blog!

  7. These sure are fun. By the way, your header is adorable!

  8. Thanks so much! I'm honored!


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