Mary Poppins, we are not.

It was the epitome of a Spring day last Sunday, despite the fact that its technically not Spring yet!

While we were grocery shopping that afternoon, Brian and the kids thought it would be fun to go to a local park and fly some kites. The problem was that we didn't have any kites. Our $.99 ones from last year bit the dust as soon as the kids left them out on our back porch for months. The other problem was that Walmart didn't have any.

So we tried Walgreens. Not only did they indeed have kites, but they were much better looking than the $.99 character ones that we had last year! And they were $1.99 a piece, so they just HAD to be better, right?

(any kite enthusiast reading this is probably shaking their head at our naivette right this minute)

Jaina picked a cool tie-dyed one and Jayce's kite had flames on it. They were thrilled!

We pulled into the park's lot moments later. Sitting in the car, we secured the twine onto the kites and placed the stick in for tension.

Brian had Jayce's kite, I had Jaina's. The second we stepped outside, the wind ripped Jaina's kite from our hands and threw it high in the air. Since Jaina was luckily holding on to the twine, we thought we had averted disaster. Nope. The plastic piece ripped off from her kite under all that pressure. And we hadn't even been there 5 minutes!

Oh well, we still have Jayce's kite.

Brian gets his kite up to a respectable height and is just about to pass the reins over to Jayce when the twine snaps and our kite goes flying into a nearby soccer game.


We apologize for their interrupted game while a nice player runs our wayward kite over.

Brian ties the string again and puts the kite back up in the air.

And it breaks again.

Straight into the soccer game.

And then it happens again. And one more time.

I finally put my foot down and said, "Let's move to the OTHER side of the park so those soccer players don't hate us please!"

Jayce's kite twine finally stopped breaking and Brian was able to rig Jaina's kite so it would stop spinning haphazardly and actually fly.

(photo credit: Jaina)

All in all, it was a pretty fun day. 

But you know what? 

We picked up some $.99 kites from Target the other day. Expect more pictures soon!


  1. I'm so jealous of your kite flying weather...we still have snow on the ground. It is quickly melting though but it's because it's been raining for 2 days, lol.

    Love to see the kids smiling!

  2. You got some wonderful shots out of your kite-flying adventure! :)

  3. Love all the shots of your windy spring day :) That sounds like something that would happen to us!

  4. Your kids have the prettiest eyes! We've gone the .99 kite route many times. Sometimes, it's better in theory than in practice, but the good times keep you going back for more!

  5. Ha! Kite flying always seems like so much fun...until I try to actually get the kites going. :) But it's always worth it in the end...


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