Its just so tough...

It was approaching 9:00 PM tonight when Jayce decided he wanted pancakes to eat, Jaina needed some pineapple for a snack, I had dishes in the sink to put away, and was hurrying as fast as I could to accomplish everything at once. In the mean time, Jayce decided to pick up my grandmother's stonewear salt and pepper set to clink together (Thanks, Jaina... for teaching your brother to do "CHEERS!"). I had visions of salt and pepper flying everywhere, so I took them out of his hands and put them up on the bakers rack. 5 seconds later, Jayce brings them to me at the sink and I realize I underestimated his height. I move them again, and go back to my work. When I look up, he's on his tippy toes by the counter and getting them down AGAIN! I stop what I'm doing a 3rd time and quickly search for a place to put the damn things.

Then Jaina looks up from her spot on the couch and comments, "Its tough being a mom, isn't it?"

Yeah, but its worth it :) I had to laugh at her :)


  1. haha...this post made me laugh. So true! Being a mom is tough...but so worth it, I agree!

  2. jaina is so observant. maybe it's a girl thing (because god knows i am inexperienced in that area) but she blows me away regularly. <3

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Super cute.
    Love you,

  4. Anonymous12:36 AM

    LOL! Jaina's awesome!


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