Au Revoir Sara!

Before I can start talking about our month of July, I do need to backtrack for a second and give our friend Sara her proper farewell on the blog. We hosted a party for our dear friend two days before leaving for the beach. I'm so glad we all got to spend another fun night with her :)

Sara is an amazing woman. Not only is she super intelligent (having been honored with quite a few awards in her day!), but super fun, too. She was presented with an opportunity to live and work in France for the next two years.

Sara's boyfriend Hal is just taking it all in stride :) He's not going to let a little time and distance come between them :)

In true party fashion, we grilled out, played corn hole, and consumed some drinks.

The kids had an absolute blast as well! Sometimes you just can't get a sitter for every party.

I bet the two years will be up in no time! Have fun in France!!

Maybe I'll get to come visit :)


  1. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to live in France either! :)

  2. A party is never a good party without cornhole!!!! Looks like fun was had by all!!!


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